
Address of editor in chief.

A.V. Karaulov
Publication date: 2011-07-26
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Vaccination. 2011; N1: c.

Before you - the first issue of new scientific and practical journal "Vaccination".
The journal is devoted to all aspects of vaccination: it will publish original articles, reviews, lectures, comments, interesting case studies, as well as reviews of the most important specialized publications in vaccinology including monographs, textbooks, manuals etc. The journal is also completely open for discussions on vaccine-prophylactic of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Key words:

Before you - the first issue of new scientific and practical journal "Vaccination".
The journal is devoted to all aspects of vaccination: it will publish original articles, reviews, lectures, comments, interesting case studies, as well as reviews of the most important specialized publications in vaccinology including monographs, textbooks, manuals etc. The journal is also completely open for discussions on vaccine-prophylactic of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

We hope our journal will publish the results of clinical use of new vaccines and other immunobiological preparations. It could be an adjuvant, immunoglobulins, biological preparations and biosimilars, immunomodulators and probiotics, whose use have greatly expanded our therapeutic options in recent years. In addition, you can find in journal information about continue medical education for doctors in our area, news of medical departments and leading medical institutions, interviews with prominent immunologists and developers of new biologic preparations. The journal will publish announcements of congresses, conferences, symposia and other activities in vaccinology and immunobiological preparations.

A special place will be hold discussions on the use of vaccines in immunopathology, including allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer. The inclusion in the editorial board of several leading scientists who are working in these areas, on the one hand, useful to present current data and results of their research, on the other - will bring to practicing physicians and health care authorities the many facets of the discussed problems. We hope that our journal would not be the only source of information on the latest medical technologies in the field of vaccinology, but also a forum for broad interdisciplinary discussion with leading experts of our country.

I am sure that new journal will further consolidate our efforts in the area of effective vaccination of socially-significant diseases, the success of which largely determine the progress of modern medicine.

A.V. Karaulov, MD, PhD, Doctor of Sci., Corresponding Member of RAMS,
Head of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology
First FPPOV MGMU named after I.M. Sechenov